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"The 11th Commandment: Thou shalt not speak ill of any fellow Republican."
 - President Ronald Reagan


Honor President Reagan’s Legacy

Discover the Truth Straight from the Candidates Themselves

Now more than ever, our party needs to exercise Reagan’s 11th Commandment: 'Thou shalt not speak ill of any fellow Republican.' Wyoming doesn’t need those who want to make our state and party weaker. We need leaders who will strengthen our movement and keep our progress going!

Trust But Verify

During the Cold War, President Reagan leaned on the Russian Proverb 'Trust but Verify' to move negotiations with Mikhail Gorbachev forward. Those translated words still ring true today.


Out-of-state Special Interests are trying to hijack our legislature. That’s why we want to give you the ability to sort through all of their attacks on fellow Republicans.

Who Is 'Make Liberty Win'?

The Out-of-State Special Interest Trying to Steal Our Legislature


This election year Wyoming is seeing unprecedented mailings, texts, emails, and calls. Telling half-truths and outright lies doesn't work for the good people of Wyoming.

In Wyoming, we don’t take attack ads at face value. We go straight to candidates and ask them what’s true and what’s false.



This website is a resource for you to call the candidates and see if what you’re hearing at your door, seeing in your mailbox, or reading in your text messages is true.


Ask the Candidates for Yourself

How to Use This Resource:

  1. Step 1: Identify the Issue
    Have you encountered an attack ad, misleading flyer, or questionable text message? Note the details and any claims made.

  2. Step 2: Contact the Candidate
    Use our directory to find contact information for the candidates. Call or email them directly to ask for clarification and get their side of the story.

  3. Step 3: Verify the Facts
    Compare the candidate’s response with the claims you’ve encountered. Make an informed decision based on verified information.



Stand with fellow Wyomingites in demanding truth and transparency. Sign up for updates and join our community of informed voters.

This is Governor Mark Gordon. 


I love Wyoming and its people.

That's why we must set the record straight to keep Out-of-State Special Interests from Ruining Wyoming!

Their Special Interest Agenda:

  • Change the Wyoming We Love

  • Legalize Hard Drugs like LSD

  • Have You Live in Fear 


Shooting Down the Out-of-State Lies:

  • No One in Wyoming voted to keep Trump off the Ballot

  • No One in Wyoming wants Males in Girl's Bathrooms

  • No One in Wyoming voted to sell land to Communist China 


Unlike these Out-of-State Special Interests, I Trust You and Your Judgment!


I know Wyomingites will Reject Their Lies and Keep These Outsiders From Ruining Wyoming.


Vote for the Wyoming First candidates by August 20th at 7pm.

- Governor Mark Gordon

Keep Wyoming Great!

Reject the Out-of-State Lies

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